Meet Elyse

your hype woman + soulful coach

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I'm Elyse, a passionate Emotional 4/6 Manifesting Generator, mama, multi-preneur, and your guide on this journey to soulful success. Just like you, I crave connection and believe in building a beautiful community of empowered women. My mission is to empower you to show up authentically online, craft magnetic messaging and offers, and create a business that fuels your soul.

Elyse Tucker

multi passionate entrepreneur, soulful coach, & mama 

Meet your soulful guide:

Are you a female entrepreneur ready to ditch the box and build a thriving business that reflects your true essence? We combine non-traditional teachings with soulful strategies to help you unlock your magnetic potential and elevate your online presence. Do you crave a life filled with purpose, abundance, and deep connections?

Ready to ditch the box

and build a thriving business + life?

You've come to the right place.

services & offerings

Tired of cookie-cutter coaching? At The Soulful Collective, I weave together Human Design wisdom, mindset mastery, and strategic business building to create a personalized roadmap for your success. We go beyond the surface, diving deep into your unique energetic Human Design blueprint to unlock your natural gifts and align your business with your soul's true purpose.

Unlock your Soulful Advantage

Explore the possibilities

let's work together

I would not have recognized myself 5 years ago if you told me that I do full moon routines, cycle sync, trained in Reiki and live a more "woo woo" life. My life was very different many moons ago. I lived a corporate 9-5 lifestyle, I would wake up at 5am commute 4 hours daily to work downtown Toronto. Had the "ideal" perfect job but hated my life. I had a record high 21 migraines in one month, panic attacks often and knew deep down I could not keep living my life this way. When I found out I was going to be a new mama, my world changed. I told myself I would work myself and figure out a way how no matter what. 5 years flash forward and I'm in my soft CEO era, wake up slowly, aligned and working with the most dreamy clients. A lot of inner work, therapy, manifesting and aligning my path and truth and here I am now. 

My Story

From burnt out to balanced in my own career

I created a pathway for the soulful business owners too who want to live a more aligned lifestyle. 

Get to know your Coach

Elyse Tucker

Schedule your FREE 15-minute Soulful Connection Call to explore how we can elevate your life and business together. 

Ready to unlock your Soul's full potential?


let's chat!

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